UI principles to be applied to your design

  • Design Laws you will apply to your final design? Can you provide some basic examples of how this will work?


As I finalize my design, I will apply several design laws to ensure that it is functional and aesthetically pleasing. One of the most important laws is the law of simplicity. This means that the design should be simple and easy to understand, with unnecessary elements removed. For example, I will avoid cluttering the design with too many colours or patterns, and instead focus on a clean and minimalist look.

Another important law is the law of balance. This means that the design should be balanced both visually and functionally. For example, if I am designing a website, I will ensure that the layout is balanced with equal amounts of white space and content. I will also ensure that the functionality of the design is balanced, with all features working together seamlessly.

Finally, I will apply the law of harmony to my design. This means that all elements of the design should work together in a cohesive and harmonious way. For example, if I am designing a product, I will ensure that the materials, colors, and textures all work together to create a cohesive and pleasing aesthetic.

Overall, by applying these design laws, I am confident that my final design will be both functional and visually appealing.

  • How will your design provide feedback on any actions you design?


The design can provide feedback through various methods. Firstly, it can utilize visual cues such as colour changes or animations to indicate successful completion of an action. Secondly, it can provide auditory feedback through sound effects or voice prompts to reinforce the action taken. Finally, it can also incorporate feedback through vibrations or physical responses to provide a tactile confirmation of the action taken. By utilizing these multiple forms of feedback, the design ensures that users are aware of the actions they have taken and can confidently proceed to the next step.

In addition to providing feedback on actions taken, the design can also incorporate error messaging to alert users when something has gone wrong. This will be done through clear and concise language that identifies the issue and provides guidance on how to rectify it. The error messaging will also be accompanied by visual and auditory cues to ensure that users are aware of the issue and can take the necessary steps to resolve it.

Overall, the design will prioritize feedback as an essential component of the user experience. By providing multiple forms of feedback and clear error messaging, users will be able to navigate the system with confidence and ease.

  • Call to action – Defining what this may be and the number of steps required to complete.


A call to action is a marketing tool that prompts the audience to take a specific action. It can be anything from signing up for a newsletter to making a purchase. To create a successful call to action, there are three steps that need to be taken. Firstly, it is important to define the desired action clearly. Secondly, the call to action should be prominently displayed and easily accessible. Finally, the audience should be motivated to take action through the use of persuasive language and incentives.

Defining the call to action is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of the marketing campaign. The desired action should be specific, measurable, and achievable. For example, instead of simply asking the audience to “subscribe,” it would be more effective to ask them to “subscribe to our newsletter and receive a free e-book.” This way, the audience knows exactly what they are signing up for and what they will receive in return.

Once the call to action has been defined, it should be prominently displayed on the website or marketing material. This can be done through the use of buttons, banners, or pop-ups. It is important to make the call to action easily accessible and visible to the audience. If the audience has to search for the call to action, they are less likely to take action.

Finally, the audience should be motivated to take action through the use of persuasive language and incentives. This can be done through the use of urgency, scarcity, or social proof. For example, a limited time offer or a testimonial from a satisfied customer can be used to motivate the audience to take action.

In conclusion, creating a successful call to action requires three steps: defining the desired action clearly, prominently displaying the call to action, and motivating the audience to take action through the use of persuasive language and incentives. By following these steps, businesses can increase the likelihood of their audience taking the desired action.

  • How can you apply usability goals to the user interface? eg. Consistency of interface across web/app and within

Usability goals are essential to the success of any user interface. One way to apply these goals is by maintaining consistency throughout the interface, both across web and app platforms and within the interface itself. This consistency helps users navigate the interface with ease and reduces confusion.

To achieve consistency across platforms, designers should use the same design elements, such as colors, fonts, and icons, across both web and app interfaces. This ensures that users can easily recognize and navigate the interface, regardless of the platform they are using. Within the interface, consistency can be achieved by using the same design elements, such as buttons and menus, throughout the interface.

Consistency is just one of many usability goals that can be applied to the user interface. Other goals include simplicity, clarity, and efficiency. By prioritizing these goals and applying them consistently throughout the interface, designers can create a user-friendly interface that meets the needs of their users.



  • Will there be a different interface for different stakeholders?

There will be different interfaces for different stakeholders. The interface will be adapted to suit the different devices that the users will be using, nowadays it is most often a mobile device. This will ensure that each group can easily access the website in the most appropriate way.

In general, the various interfaces will be designed to ensure that each stakeholder group can effectively and efficiently interact with the system. This will help improve overall productivity and ensure that each group is able to achieve their goals.