Energy Drink Package Design

My chosen retro style colour palette from Adobe Color
Sunburst Background Design Made By Me In Illustraror Using My Colour Choice Palette

Colour Palette

I chose a colour palette that is warm and reflects maturity, luxury, and vibrancy. I used some deep, rich colours like burgundy and forest green combined with metallic accents to convey luxury and quality.
All colours evoke a sense of energy and sophistication, and retro style while appealing to the target demographic.
Contrasting colour is a key element like the brand name and logo, so I chose burgundy to make sure the logo stands out from the packaging design.

Energy Drink First Package (Rejected Design, because elements and background fight each other)

Concept of Blast From The Past Energy Drink


The design of the can should prioritize elegance and ergonomics for ease of handling and pouring. The 330ml size is preferred for the target audience due to its lightweight nature, making it manageable for individuals with arthritis concerns. Tinting the can is essential to shield the contents from light exposure, preserving the drink’s ingredients effectively. Moreover, the cap design should offer both security and easy opening, catering to the dexterity and grip strength of the intended consumers.

I chose a label with a retro design, avoiding too flashy or busy graphics, but at the same time I wanted the design to not look boring. I included elements that suggest energy and vibrancy like lightning bolt, without overshadowing the sophistication of the design. By using large, legible fonts, I want to ensure legibility, especially for those with age-related vision changes.
The brand name is placed in a prominent place, accompanied by an inscription that communicates the healthy composition of the drink.
Sunburst background, conveys vitality and well-being, and a surge of energy. Also, I dedicate a section of the label to provide important information such as ingredients, nutritional facts, and serving instructions. By using simple language and clear visuals I want to convey this information effectively.

Rendered Energy Drink Package Design Front
Rendered Energy Drink Package Design Back
Rendered concept design for Blast From The Past Energy Drink - Minty Refresh
Rendered concept design for Blast From The Past Energy Drink - Tropical Burst

When designing the information on the back of my can, I ensured compliance with the regulations and requirements outlined on the GOV.UK website pertaining to the sale of food or drink in the UK which is:

The name of the food

A ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ date

Any necessary warnings

Net quantity information

A list of ingredients (if there is more than 1)

The country or place of origin, if required

The lot number or use-by date

Any special storage conditions

Instructions for use or cooking, if necessary

Advertising campaign picture

These pictures will help me to promote my brand Blast From The Past Energy Drink with the background aiming to give “the home feel”.

I decided to introduce various flavours for my brand not just for marketing purposes, but also to revamp the colour scheme of the brand to avoid visual clutter and conflicting graphics, a concept we deliberated on with third-year students.

References list:

D. (2015) Food labelling: giving food information to consumers. [Article]. Available online: Food labelling: giving food information to consumers – GOV.UK ( [Accessed 05.03.2023].

Freepik (ND) QR Code [Images]. Available online: Free Vector | Free vector scan me qr code ( [Accessed: 03.03.2024]

HEALTH & WELLNESS (2015) 11 Essential Ingredients In Healthy Energy Drinks [Article]. Available online: 11 Essential Ingredients In Healthy Energy Drinks | Nature’s Sunshine ( [Accessed: 03.03.2024]

Kadey, Mattew (2022) Unexpected Sources of Caffeine to Try [Article]. Available online: Surprising Sources of Caffeine: List and Benefits ( [Accessed: 03.03.2024]

Winter, Dayna (2023) Branding Basics: The What and Why [Article]. Available online: Branding Basics: The What and Why (2023) ( [Accessed: 03.03.2024]

Borror, Jen (2023) Fruit Antioxidant Infusion Drink Packaging by Juicy [Article]. Available online: Fruit Antioxidant Infusion Drink Packaging by Juicy :: Behance [Accessed: 28.02.2024]