Conceptual Design Transition Planning -Storyboard

Simple storyboard started on paper

Initially, I developed my storyboard using traditional pen and paper, as I find this method to be a quick and efficient way to brainstorm ideas. The storyboard originally began with a detailed close-up of factory pollution, symbolizing the beginning of the narrative. This scene then transitioned into a green transformation, visually represented by painting the picture green. Subsequently, the concept evolved to depict the shift from the question mark “How to get rid of the pollution?” to renewable energy sources, symbolized by a light bulb illuminating. The conclusion of the storyboard featured the earth emerging from the rotating sun, emphasizing sustainable practices for a greener future. I made adjustments to the beginning and end of the storyboard to enhance the overall coherence of the narrative, while preserving the original question mark to light bulb transition.

Digitalised eight panel storyboard made in Illustrator
Environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, global warming show the negative impact they have on Earth

Climate change, pollution and global warming are significant environmental problems that are causing negative impacts on the Earth. These problems are real and have serious consequences for our planet. Through the first storyboard, I wanted to show the negative impact by depicting the Earth sad, exhausted, with a thermometer in her mouth sweating, looking like she can’t take the global warming anymore. I also made ears that she blocked due to too much noise pollution, the continents are made to look like some of the causes of pollution such as carbon pollution, disposal of toxic waste, fossil fuel pollution etc. To be more realistic I made the continents as some of the things responsible for polluting our planet: deforestation, hazardous chemicals and waste, fuel extraction, carbon dioxide from vehicles, planes, factories, etc.

Factories have a very big impact on the environment, the pollution from them is huge. With the second storyboard I show this up close, I designed the tree dying, the bush blackened, the surrounding meadows dark and poisoned. The smoke coming out of the chimneys can be seen forming a thick fog in the sky. No animals can be seen around the factory, not even birds fly over, which shows the negative impact on wildlife as well.

A functioning factory with which I show up close how air and environmental pollution occurs
By dividing the landscape in two and coloring one part green, I depict the change I want to happen for a better, more sustainable future.

With the third storyboard of the design, I wanted to achieve the effect with the brush of splitting the landscape in two and colouring one part green, depicting the change I want to happen. Pollution to be gradually stopped by adopting sustainable practices and technologies to minimize business environmental footprint.

The fourth storyboard is the beginning of my transition, the brush will paint the question mark that arises in the heads of people who will watch the animation. Namely, how to make all this happen, how can we help make it happen?

The process begins with the brush paints the question mark
Тhe question mark begins to turn into a light bulb

In the fifth storyboard, the transition has begun as we can see the formation of the green light bulb, which is still half.

The transition is complete with the question mark turning into a green light bulb in the sixth storyboard. From here, another transition will appear.

The transition is complete
The emergence of energy efficiency in electricity costs

The transition from light bulbs to solar energy shows us one of the examples we can use to create a more sustainable future.

In the last story board, I introduced the word ECO, which represents the actions needed for a greener world. It is crucial for us to recognize the gravity of these issues and take steps to address them. The design aims to illustrate how we can combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions, implementing sustainable practices, and promoting renewable energy sources. Additionally, adopting eco-friendly habits like waste reduction, recycling, and water conservation can help combat pollution and preserve our natural resources. It is imperative that individuals, communities, and governments unite and prioritize environmental protection for the sake of our planet and future generations.

Representation of the word ECO for more sustainable practices