Defining problem space, Usability Goals etc

The most common usability issues:

  1. Inconsistency: layout, design, buttons and headers should be placed in the right place.
  2. Stopping users from going backward
  3. Too many submenus
  4. Links open in new windows
  5. Unstructured site-map

Usability problems are a common issue that many websites face. One of the most common problems is poor navigation. Users should be able to easily find what they are looking for on a website, but if the navigation is confusing or unclear, they may become frustrated and leave. Another common problem is slow loading times. Users expect websites to load quickly, and if they don’t, they may lose interest and move on to another site. Finally, websites that are not mobile-friendly can also be a problem. With more and more people accessing the internet on their mobile devices, it’s important for websites to be optimized for mobile viewing.

The problem space. Are you solving the right problem? For the right audience?

To address these usability problems, website owners can take a number of steps. First, they should ensure that their navigation is clear and easy to use. This may involve simplifying the menu structure or adding search functionality. Second, website owners should optimize their site’s loading times by reducing the size of images and other media files. Finally, they should make sure that their site is mobile-friendly by using responsive design techniques. By addressing these usability problems, website owners can create a better user experience and keep visitors coming back.

As a problem solver, it is crucial to ensure that we are addressing the right problem for the right audience. This means taking the time to understand the needs and pain points of our target audience, and identifying the root cause of the problem we are trying to solve.

One common mistake is to assume that the problem we are trying to solve is the same as the one our audience is facing. To avoid this, it is important to conduct thorough research and engage with the audience to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges.

By taking the time to identify the right problem and audience, we can ensure that our solution is effective and meets the needs of those who will benefit from it. This will not only increase the chances of success, but also help us build stronger relationships with the audience and establish ourselves as a trusted problem solver.