Maya Modelling

My assignment requires me to showcase my hard surface modelling abilities by creating a series of at least three 3D models for my fictional brand from the previous task. Additionally, I need to design appropriate packaging for each product to highlight my modelling skills. To support my work, I’ll include reference images of my designs and screen captures detailing the development process. These captures will feature wireframes, orthographic views, and other relevant information that influenced my design choices.

I drew inspiration for my designs from Pinterest, and you can find the collection of ideas here:

For my self-care box design, I drew inspiration from various sources on Pinterest. You can view the collection of ideas and inspiration I gathered by visiting the following Pinterest board: Self-Care Box.

Pinterest proved to be an invaluable resource for exploring diverse and creative concepts that resonate with the theme of self-care. The board features a curated selection of designs, colors, and packaging styles that I found compelling and relevant to my project.

From soothing color palettes to innovative packaging solutions, the Pinterest board served as a rich source of inspiration, helping me to conceptualize and refine my design ideas for the self-care box. By incorporating elements from these inspirations, I aim to create a visually appealing and functional product that promotes well-being and relaxation.


I began the modelling process in Blender after carefully selecting the products to feature in my box. I opted for Blender over Maya due to the abundance of online tutorials available. I particularly relied on YouTube videos for valuable tips and techniques to achieve the desired design. By integrating insights from these videos, I carefully crafted the models. Below is a detailed overview, outlining some of the procedural steps and illustrating the progression of the three models.

Picture 1: Adding a cylinder to start the modelling process of the candle.
Image 2: I began by modeling the inside using loop cuts the slides to define the compartments.
Image 3: To shape the inside further, I used the 'extrude region' and 'move' functions. Then, I duplicated the object to create the wax compartment.
Image 4: Here's the initial stage of the chocolate box modeling, starting with a simple plane that was transformed into a heart shape.
Image 5: The next step involved creating the interior of the box where the chocolates will be placed.
Image 6: In this step, I demonstrate the process of creating the chocolate using a reference image of a shell for guidance.
Image 7: Once I modeled the base of my journal, a crucial step was to create the internal pages.
Image 8: After creating one side of the pages, I used a mirror modifier to replicate the other side.
Image 8: One of the following steps was to add a bevel to the center of the journal beneath the pages to enhance its realistic appearance.
Image 9: I regularly checked the wireframe to monitor the progress and ensure that I was satisfied with the design.
Image 10: I regularly checked the wireframe to monitor the progress and ensure that I was satisfied with the design.
Image 11: I regularly checked the wireframe to monitor the progress and ensure that I was satisfied with the design.

Final design

Below, each image showcases the result of the modelling stage, capturing the desired final appearance. With this milestone reached, I can now advance to the subsequent vital step: UV unwrapping.
Image 12: The final look of the candle completed in Blender ready for UV unwrapping and applying my branding along with materials to create fully textured assets ready for rendering.
Image 12: The final look of the box with chocolates completed in Blender ready for UV unwrapping and applying my branding along with materials to create fully textured assets ready for rendering.
Image 13: The final look of the journal completed in Blender ready for UV unwrapping and applying my branding along with materials to create fully textured assets ready for rendering.

Reference list:

Shanaya. 2021. Blender Beginner Tutorial- Candle modelling. [Online]. Available at: Blender Beginner Tutorial- Candle modelling ( [Accessed 2 April 2024].

JobilleTuts. 2023. 3D Modeling a Valentine’s Chocolate Gift Box in Blender – 32. [Online]. Available at: 3D Modeling a Valentine’s Chocolate Gift Box in Blender – 32 – YouTube [Accessed 4 April 2024].

CbaileyFilm. 2023. How to Make a Book with Turning Pages in Blender Tutorial. [Online]. Available at: How to Make a Book with Turning Pages in Blender Tutorial ( [Accessed 9 April 2024].