Category: Development Log

My University Work

Three Cover Designs

                                                                First Movie Cover I’ll start with my favourite cover, which is the movie, Ruby. One of my most watched genres of fantasy movies…
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Traditional or Online Conceptual Editorial Masthead (Logo) Design

  According to Logos by Nick (2019) “Compared to other types of design, logos are unique. The job of a logo is not to convey information, it is simply meant to be a memorable symbol that can be used to identify a brand. Because of this, it’s good for a logo to have a bit…
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Four to Six Traditional or Online Editorial Information Pages 

                                                       Disney lookalike Interface   My first editorial page I created is a Disney and Netflix like interface. In it I have included a menu, my three film covers…
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Typographical Graphic Standards

According to Douglas Bonneville (2010) “By far, the most popular principle for creating font combinations is pairing a sans-serif font with a serif header. It’s a classic combination and it’s almost impossible to go wrong.” I agree with what he says, but on the other hand, I wanted to refute him and show that a combination…
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