Category: Adobe 2D Practical Skills

My University Work

Self-Promotional Image Poster x 2

First Self Promotional Poster The last part of my exam is for two Self-Promotional Image Posters. Perhaps of all the things I had to create this took the longest. For a long time, I wondered what exactly I wanted to promote, in which direction I wanted to develop most of all. After some ideas emerged,…
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Adobe Photoshop Self Portrait x 2

  First Photoshop Self Portrait For the fourth part of the exam, I had to create two self-portraits in Photoshop. Since it must be something related to our personal goals, dreams and causes, I had to recall the Power of Graphic Design lecture again. I was inspired by her for the idea of the first…
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Adobe Illustrator Self Portrait x 2

  First Illustrator Portrait The third part of my practical exam is to make two portraits of myself in illustrator. I started working on the first portrait even in our practical classes. I thought to myself that I should choose a picture that shows my character somewhat, but not completely. The photo I chose was…
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Conceptually Designed Personal Logo x 2

First Conceptual Logo Design In the first conceptual logo design I created, I used an eye-catching font that looks convincing and reinforces the message of the text. The unique consistent typography I used would help me build trust with my users and thus help my development as a graphic designer. With my choice of font,…
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Typographical Name Logo x 2

 First Logo Design When I was thinking about creating the typographic logo, I wasn’t sure exactly what font to use. Should it be serif (with small decorative feet) or slab serif, maybe a script font or sans serif. There are thousands of fonts, and it becomes very difficult to choose the right one for my…
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Adobe 2D

Adobe 2D